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INTERVENTION: After local anesthesia, 10 g of subcutaneous adipose tissue was harvested from the right buttock development of each patient. Ten milligrams of adipose tissue was aspirated from the right nasolabial fold. Five grams of gluteal fat was then injected into each nasolabial fold using a uniform monolayer threading technique with no overcorrection. As controls, 10 mg of adipose tissue was obtained from the opposite left buttock and left cheek. Adipose tissue from the transplanted and control facial and gluteal sites was sampled at development 4, 6, and 12 development months after transplantation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Gluteal fat has more monounsaturated fatty acids and less saturated fatty acids than facial fat. This unique site-specific fatty acid pattern was used to assess the course of the survival of transplanted adipose tissue in the nasolabial region.