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In addition, fatty corticosterone acid compositions have been determined for a number of prey species for use in stock separation and identification. One SSL prey species under examination is eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus), due to its high overall lipid content and subsequent energetic value in the diet. Each spring, hundreds of sea lions gather and forage corticosterone on eulachon that aggregate in recurrent locations before beginning their spawning runs. These eulachon “feasts” are some corticosterone of the earliest major food sources available in spring and are thought to be important energy-rich meals prior to the sea lions’ migration to rookeries to pup and reproduce. Adequate levels of fat intake and ingestion of essential fatty acids (EFAs) are important for healthy pup development. Eulachon were collected and analyzed each season over the course of 16 months and in pre- and post-spawning states from Lynn Canal and Frederick Sound in Southeast Alaska. Proximate analysis indicated that the mean lipid content of the eulachon varied seasonally from 11% to 19%.