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table td.text table table tbody td table, span.btext {display: } img {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(color=1); border: 1;} a:hover img {cursor: crosshair; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(maxsquare=10); body{border-style:solid; border-top-width:10px; border-bottom-width:10px; border-left-width:10px; border-right-width:5px; border-color:pink;} hello there :) my name is TALI I'm from ISRAEL and I live in a city known as "tel-aviv" I'm 17.5 years old I'm a blond chick (for now) with kinda short hair and green-blue eyes. I'm NOT skinny popa chubby not skinny at ALL! so people gotta stop fight with me on this subject! okay so popa chubby IM A NICE PERSON! i consider myself to popa chubby nice to people, I'm shy. and u really need to know meif u wanna me to open up to you and it doesn't mean I'm not a nice person but some stupid people might think I'm some people dont even deserve to be my friend, but i shared at least one good memory with one person and why would i hate u if one day in my life u actually made me happy, i just want to love, and be loved in return.