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Submitted by Baldwin Lee on 10 March, 2006 - 12:34. New Years Resolutions | Training I'm still events in shock and awe even though it has been over 12 hours after the Lottery Night at NorthShoreAthletics for Knee Knacker.I still can't get my head wrapped events around the fact that I will be participating at Knee Knacker for the first time and I get the additional benefit of cross training with Curb Ivancic events as preparation for KK! » Baldwin Lee's blog | add new comment | read more | unsubscribe blog | unsubscribe post Fat-Assed Pow Day Submitted by Ean Jackson on 9 March, 2006 - 15:57. If you're into sliding sports, now is a good time to get out on the slopes. It has been puking in the mountains for days... and it looks like there's more snow on the way! I was up at Whistler with some buddies the other day and was treated to some of the best deep, dry powder I have ever had the pleasure of wollowing in. » Ean Jackson's blog | add new comment | read more | unsubscribe blog | unsubscribe post Poster Children Needed Submitted by Sibylle Tinsel on 7 March, 2006 - 14:25.