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Known as Snippa and Spadez these two brothers would lay down some of the heaviest messages ever to be recorded on Hip-Hop tracks, that also reflected the ballads and sketch theme21 theme39 tech01 dahlberg_drinker.jpg funk of the eighties sketch theme21 theme39 tech01 dahlberg_drinker.jpg and early nineties. Their album,"Take A FatAss Hit", is one that any person who likes to hear a little R&B mixed with Hip-Hop would love to have sketch theme21 theme39 tech01 dahlberg_drinker.jpg as a collector's item. REVIEWS! Click here to write a review about this CD! CD BABY - the best independent music | HOSTBABY - web hosting for musicians . Fat Ass Cartoons You are looking at the "fat ass" cartoon page from the CartoonStock directory. Follow the links at the bottom of this page to search on other topics or to purchase reproduction rights for any of these images or merchandise incorporating the cartoons.This page only includes cartoons from our archive, for more cartoons on news related topics, click here.