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An evolutionary advance in guitar-to-MIDI-controllers, the device is based on the popular predecessor model AXON AX 100. Alongside ... [more news] Link: terratec lovely fatties producer home [posted by: lovely fatties admin] 04-Feb-06 WWAYM releases NWEQ Pro NWEQ Pro is an advanced version of the already known NWEQ. NWEQ Pro features: - 5 parametric bands (low, band 1-2-3, high) with solo and mute - high cut and low cut filters - high quality filters - cross fadeable filter mod... [more news] Link: wwaym home [posted by: admin] 26-Jan-06 NuGen Audio releases Monofilter 2.0 NuGen Audio has announced the update of Monofilter lovely fatties to v2.0, a VST effect for windows designed to provide a comprehensive interface for narrowing a stereo signal towards (or to) mono below a specified frequency. Now with Graphic... [more news] Link: nugen audio Link: nugen audio downloads [posted by: Go!] 25-Jan-06 Sony Oxford now shipping 6 Pack Sony Oxford is now shipping a brand new, super-value bundle aimed primarily at customers purchasing new ProTools systems.