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Not doctor, physician. Even now, whenever I enter a funky bathroom, those words leap from my mouth, almost involuntarily. "Woo! Somebody in here needs to see a physician!!" I'll probably never talk to him again. His number is unlisted and I can't think of anyone who might know how to contact him. Maybe I can try to track him down sexy fatties at the porn shop where he works part-time? If I start calling all the jack shacks in Atlanta, sexy fatties one by one, and asking for Scott, I might find him by 2010. Yeah, way too much trouble. sexy fatties The hell with him. -- While we were in Cape May last weekend we had no choice but to put our dog Andy in a kennel for a couple of nights. The campground doesn't allow animals in their cabins, and we don't know anyone locally that we feel comfortable in asking to look after him. So, even though I knew it would be hard on him, we took him to doggie prison. When we returned to pick him up, last Sunday, another family was there to retrieve their dog, so we hung back and waited.