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Well, that's just excellent. Wonder what kind of parasites and bacteria we ingested with our spaghetti last night? Hell, we cooked our pasta in that nasty African Queen water!! My intestines are probably lined with leeches. -- I was at a Friendly's restaurant the other day, and I couldn't get the ketchup to come out of the bottle, which reminded me of a story. (Everything help reminds me of a story...) When my brother and I shared an apartment years ago in Greensboro he had a help little trouble getting ketchup out of a help bottle as well. He was shaking it and pounding on it, but it wouldn't yield even the tiniest of dollops. Suddenly he stood up and told me to watch, he said he'd seen someone do this and it works great. He moved out into the middle of the living room floor, grabbed the bottle by the bottom, and began windmilling his arm around.