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I know that 5'8" and 115 pounds isn't fat, but I just need someone to tell me I look great. Please let the compliments begin because I'm pornstar galleries insane and need constant attention and praise or pornstar galleries else I might just drive off a cliff. Love me, please, or I'll kill you." Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Kate Beckinsale. One passive-agressive, crazy-ass chick. Go ahead and bang her, but for god's sake, don't give her your phone pornstar galleries number. 28. Posted by Hartigan'sGirl on January 17, 2006 06:42 PM First off, that is complete and total crap. Second, Gisele used to have those days, too. Then she claimed to be agoraphobic. Then she started to demand $10,000 a day just to leave the house. Which brings me to my point. Kate Beckinsale is a cow. I mean, trying to take over the world. Skinny bitches of the world unite and demand more money for being cute! 29. Posted by bluecanary on January 17, 2006 07:39 PM I hate skinny women who complain about having "fat" days.