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I found it to shaved be utter bullshit, so I have decided to write a test that declares if you(like the writer of the previous test) should kiss my fat shaved ass. function newAuthorInfo() { var pic=""; if (userinfo.pic1url && userinfo.pic1url.length > 0) { pic=""; } var x=""+pic+""; var color1; if (userinfo.gender.charAt(0) == "m" || userinfo.gender.charAt(0) == "M") { color1 = "#3333cc"; } else { color1 = "#cc3333"; } x+="The author:"+ userinfo.screenname+", " +" " + userinfo.age + userinfo.gender.charAt(0) + "" + simplifyLocation(userinfo.location) + ""; setInnerHTML("authorcell",x); setOkCookie(""+userinfo.uid,x,secondsFromNow(900)); } function fillAuthorInfo(auth_id) { var x=getCookie(auth_id); shaved if (x) { setInnerHTML("authorcell",x); } else { callRemoteJS("/rjs/userinfo?uid="+auth_id, "newAuthorInfo()"); } } fillAuthorInfo("16342469642643950984"); if ("0" == "0") { document.write("Join!"); } var sc_project=517278; var sc_partition=3; var docloc=window.location.href; if (docloc.indexOf("https")