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HAVE A COUPLE THINGS TO SAY I AM A FAN BUTLATLEY MY SUPPORT rate IS NO MORE . SHE LOOKS LIKESHIT WITH HER NEW TEETH WHY DID SHE GET THOSEHORSE TEETH SHE HAD THE CUTEST SMILE EVER. SHELOST ALL OF HER WEIGHT AND NOW LOOKS LIKESKELATOR. IT'S REALLY SAID I CANT EVEN LOOKAT HER THE SAME WAY SHE LOST ALL OF MY SUPPORTIAM GOING TO HAVE TO FIND A NEW #1 SORRY HILARYYOU LOST YOUR GOLD rate MEDAL 95BrandyHilary and Joel cutest couple. Hilary does notsuck. Stop hating. Green is not your color.94Hilary Duff can lick my left nutI rate support! Hilary can come and suck my 10"dick and im a chick...she wuld try to too...watsthat say!?...shes a stupid bitch and shuld die andburn in hell93rico suaveI bet a fat chick made this petition!! I wantduffs hot anus on my cock!!92Hilary "Rocks" DuffI love Hilary Duff and would buy her what ever shewants. let her walk all over me.