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THIS is the VHTRC's annual "fat ass 50." To be different (who us?) we have used various languages--French, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Latin, Swedish, dining Jamaican Patios, New Guinea Pidgin, Chinese, Hawaiian an anagram from "Fat Ass Fifty K" that came out as "Fat Taffy Kiss," Thai, and last year Ukrainian. This year's name, the Potchari Hippu 50 dining km is in Japanese. Our understanding is that this is the more polite to say "fat ass." That is so Japanese! The run will start dining at 8:00 am on Saturday, December 10, at Hemlock Overlook Regional Park. (This is the same starting point as Bull Run Run. Here is a map to help you find it.) This is an official Fat Ass run so there is no entry fee, no awards, and no wimps. There is some aid and some post event refreshments. It's an out and back course so you can do any distance you want. The official route is downstream from Hemlock to the Do Loop and back on the Bull Run Trail.