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One moment he was standing the next moment he was nursing a bruised hip. The most spectacular falls seems to be made by Rick. Since the bike was a little short for him he kept doing end-overs. In other words, fattuesday Rick would assume the Superman position and fly over the front of the handlebars. He was indestructible like Superman; he could leap over tall objects like Superman and he would not let the bike fattuesday or the muddy trail defeat him. Hence forth Rick shall be known as “Chubby Man”. Some of the roads in the fattuesday park were marked off limits to the teams because the roads were unsafe and also to keep them from shortening the race too much. The Chubbies took a detour into the North campgrounds to fill up on water and then took other “legal” roads out of the park and around the end of the lake and through a youth camp to find Checkpoint 8.