Chubby International" and "Mr. big fatty teens

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Chubby International" and "Mr. Chaser International". In the United States, there is an annual national event, Convergence. There is also an teens annual event in Europe called European Big Men's Convergence. These events are held in different cities each year and are usually hosted by that city's teens local big men's organization. [edit] Terminology chubby or chub - an teens overweight or obese man. daddy - an older man, usually with big belly or overweight. bear - a man with facial hair, typically with a hairy chest and body and a stocky or heavyset build; often older (or older looking) and displaying a masculine appearance and mannerisms. cub - a young version of a bear. chubby chaser or chaser - a term that refers to someone, usually a smaller man, who is not a chubby man or bear himself, but is sexually or romantically attracted to them (this term is used in various communities to describe an outsider who has sexual attraction to people within the community). chub for chub (also spelled chub4chub online) - a chubby who is sexually or romantically attracted to other chubbies.
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