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New York. posted by theprofessor @ actress fat 3:55 PM  0 comments links to this post    Friday, February 24, 2006 Young and drunk When young Mr. Fitzsimmons emailed to ask me to meet him in my office on a Sunday afternoon, I was pretty sure it wasn't about his classwork. David Fitzsimmons, as I'll call him here, was 19 and so impossibly young-looking that I was sure he'd never shaved more than twice in his life. He was a charming kid--a little too smooth. actress fat When he didn't meet his deadlines on assignments, actress fat he always had original and often hilarious reasons."My car got stolen and then it got towed from wherever the thief left it and when I went to get it out of the city pound, it took about four hours and when I got it back, it had been completely washed and waxed!
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