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I mean, you know his work. Does the television show "Law & Order" mean anything to you? Carcaterra is a writer and producer chubby cheeks for the program, which has been on for how many decades chubby cheeks now? In addition to that, three of his novels --- APACHES, GANGSTER and STREET BOYS --- are in active development for feature film adaptation. He has co-scripted Beyond the Sea, which should be released soon. He's also...well you chubby cheeks get the idea. He's everywhere. My favorite "everywhere" for the moment, however, is PARADISE CITY, Carcaterra's latest novel. Carcaterra is a master at combining several different elements that are lethal enough individually into an explosive mix. PARADISE CITY is an example of Carcaterra at his best. His protagonist here is Giancarlo Lo Manto. Lo Manto, born in New York City, moved to Naples, Italy as a teenager. Now a policeman, Lo Manto wages a one-man war against the Italian Mafia.
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