incestgrrl, weekly, shocking, incredible, cheating, vintage crime/black lizard, drunk party, stories, sex education, women's studies general, alfred a. knopf, working on our tennis,
Men might like to read this to understand free incest. the complex dynamics of these relationships. Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) 8 of 15 people found the following review helpful: I've read better..., December 6, 2003 Reviewer:"genericbloke" (Newark, Notts. Royaume Uni) - See all my reviewsThis book was written for women, free incest. as such men will come away feeling that women are "really screwed up" about thier mothers, and while it does attempt to explain certian things, you do get the feeling that the author wants somebody to blame for free incest. the things that have gone wrong in her life... One wonders what her mother though on reading it, if she ever has.Personally I think "Our Mother's Daughters" by Judith Arcana (published by The Women's Press) is a far better book, a far better read for men too, especially if you want to understand the woman your mother is, rather than the woman you would have her be.I love my mother, I read her copies of both books, her mother is now dead, it took her a lifetime to deal with the pain, don't waste yours doing the same.