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I am grateful that it exists, and will recommend crime fiction it to many a parent." --Sheila Reindl, Ed.D., psychologist, Harvard University, and author of Sensing the Self: Woman’s Recovery from Bulimia "We all know that girls are sorely troubled by body-related crime fiction issues, and we may even understand why, but how many of us have a clue about how to handle the problem? What parent hasn’t wondered when and how to crime fiction intervene when a beloved child seems to be recklessly veering toward self-destructive and/or self-sabotaging behavior. This book fills the void. Keep it under your mattress-I will!" -Renée Fleming, mother of two pre-teenage girls, and in her spare time, opera star Excerpt The following is an excerpt from the book You Have To Say I’m Pretty, You’re My Mother: How to Help Your Daughter Learn to Love Her Body and Herself by Stephanie Pierson & Phyllis Cohen Published by Simon and Schuster; May 2003; $23.00US/$36.00CAN;