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To the earlier one, she wrote back "She has a boyfriend." I thought she should not have written back because the first note they sent me, I threw back at them. Eventually, most of the boys gave up on me, my friend explained because they were speaking Spanish. But she said, translating what they said, the boy who was writing the notes was very persistent. My friend asked me what my next period was because she wanted to masturbationand sex forum make sure I got to class safely. I was grateful for her masturbationand sex forum concern because the other day another friend called masturbationand sex forum me several times to see if I was alright after I called him (He also goes to LACC) worried that a creep I encountered last week might be there and follow me. I felt very grateful today to have more than one friend who's always there for me.  But I wasn't bothered by that boy anymore and probably will not be because I'm switching out of that class into another.
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