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Inc. or its affiliates          Return to regular view Peter Berlin made a work of art out of his sex life. threesome sex He's in his 60s now, but only the times have changed. - Neva Chonin, Chronicle Critic at Large Monday, February 13, 2006 In a fifth-story apartment filled with sunshine, vintage porn star and gay threesome sex icon Peter Berlin pulls out two deep drawers filled with hundreds of videotapes. "This," he says, sweeping his hand across the tapes, "is my sex threesome sex life." He says he plans to use the videos -- most of them featuring him pleasuring himself while watching videos of himself -- in a future film. Peter Berlin's sex life is Peter Berlin's life, period. An iconic figure of the '70s and '80s in his skintight leather pants and pageboy haircut, he's made two cult porn classics, been drawn by Tom of Finland and photographed by Andy Warhol and Robert Mapplethorpe. But as Jim Tushinski's documentary, "That Man: Peter Berlin" (opening Friday at the Castro Theatre) shows, his greatest notoriety comes from his own erotic self-portraiture -- and his greatest achievement is a talent for turning himself into an ambulatory work of art.
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