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If it's a problem with your relationship, go together to talk to someone. He has to realize what he's doing is eventually going to destroy his family and marriage. DEAR VAL: How do you tell someone they have bad breath? I have a great girlfriend except for this. I love her but when sex education she breathes on me my stomach turns. I don't want her to be hurt or made self-conscious but she'll surely notice soon that I'm not so keen on sex as sex education I was.-- IN A DILEMMA, TORONTO DEAR sex education IN A DILEMMA: Telling someone they have odour problems is very difficult. There's no easy way to do it but because you love her and presumably want the relationship to continue, you need to let her know about her problem. Perhaps ask her if she's having stomach or dental problems lately and keep a sense of humour and lightness about the conversation. She will probably be shocked but you can show your love and support by encouraging her to find the cause. Other people have undoubtedly noticed too, so it's best she's told by someone who cares.
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