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Either way, it sounds as how is video on demand done if her opinion and support matter a great deal to you. An unexpected pregnancy is tough for anyone to deal with, particularly when you're aware that some family and friends (in your case, your mother) will respond with anger or upset. As you probably know, you need to decide what to do about your pregnancy. how is video on demand done You have several options, including keeping the child, giving him/her up for adoption, or abortion. This is a big and often difficult decision and it may help both of you to talk with a health care provider and/or counselor how is video on demand done to explore your options and make the choice that is right for you. Planned Parenthood at 800.230.PLAN (-7526) can help you with your choice, whatever you decide. You can weigh the pros and cons of each possibility and evaluate your feelings about each, rationally or irrationally.