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Even in the most uptight sexually reserved places in the south there are daughter father story breasts. untold numbers of folks humping like bunnies and NOT humping bunnies. Truth be told, there are lots of places in the south that the most hideous troll on the planet could get laid like the Alaskan Pipeline by just standing daughter father story breasts. on a corner with a six-pack and a sign saying "Do Me". Make no mistake, most southerners like their chickens fried and not wearing something from Victoria's Secret. We prefer to BARBEQUE pork, not go steady with it. Also, this kind of daughter father story breasts. stupid crap takes away from my time apologizing for Zell Miller. Thank you. Posted by: Bob at May 12, 2005 07:05 PM Actually, beastiality is legal in like 18 or so states and most of those where it is illegal it is unenforced unless there is actual harm done to the animal or done while committing other crimes. Not that I endorse the practice but filling prisons with mule molesters isn't solving anything.