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about my body thanks send yuor responces bye emily (back to top) Dolly   Hi!!! My name is Dolly, I am a 20-year-old college student. I am doing an argumentative essay on sex-ed and should it domination be or shouldn't it be taught at an early age I was never taught about sex, from my parents or at school. Where I come from we don't have a sex-ed class. I had just turned 15, when I first thought I was pregnant, but I domination wasn't. BUT 2 years later, at 17 domination years old I got pregnant and had my son, who is now 2 1/2. I love my baby boy, but I really wish I had waited. Half of the girls I went to school with also dropped out of school and had babies. In our town sex is like a taboo, to this day they don't have a sex-ed class. I wonder if a lack of sex-ed contributed to all these pregnancies. I am a single parent living with my parents, going to school full-time and working. It's not easy!!!! I think that sex-ed is very important. I'm not saying that everyone who had a sex-ed class doesn't get pregnant at a young age, or someone who’s never had a sex class does get pregnant.
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