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There is good book by Dr. Jack Morin, The Erotic Mind, in which he sets up a formula for what creates erotic attraction. He says that erotic attraction requires both excitement and a contraceptives perceived obstacle. So maybe you and your hubby are too close in some ways to feel the distance that encourages attraction. If neither of those suggestions applies, I strongly encourage contraceptives you to seek contraceptives sex therapy or counseling. You can contact the American Board of Sexology and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists for a listing. All the best, Dr. Patti Find out what other women are talking about on the Ask the Sex Coach message board. You need the newest version of Macromedia Flash Player to view this feature. Download the Flash plug-in at http://www.macromedia.com. Please Note: This iVillage/iVillage Health & Well-Being service area is designed for educational purposes only.