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Dr. Evil: Oh sure. Frau Farbissina: Well, after a couple of years we got a little... impatient. Dr Evil, I would like you to meet your son. Dr. Evil: My son? Frau Farbissina: Ja. SCOTT! [Scott enters] Dr. Evil: Hello Scott. Scott Evil: Hi. Dr. Evil: I'm your father. Dr Evil. Scott Evil: I haven't memoir seen you memoir my whole life and now you just show up and *expect* a relationship? I hate you. What? Dr. memoir Evil: Can I have a hug? Scott Evil: No. Dr. Evil: Give me a hug. Scott Evil: No way. Dr. Evil: Come on. Let's go. Pronto. Scott Evil: What are you doing? Dr. Evil: I'm with it. I'm hip. Well, don't look at me like I'm friggin' Frankenstein! Come here and give your father a hug. Scott Evil: Get away from me, you lazy-eyed psycho!
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