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How is tax time going to be for you this year, by the way?" "In fact, I think penis size is VERY important. I think it directly affects chicagoculture the way a man treats a woman, how big or small he is. You and I have never talked about this, have we?" "No," I said, shifting around. A man burping a baby glared at me. "Maybe there's a good reason for that." "Men my age are completely hung up on their chicagoculture penises," she said, taking a careful sip of chicagoculture her Diet Coke. "Then again, so are the women!" She giggled suddenly, and said, "Have I ever told you about going to that nude beach with your father ..." "OK, Mom, that's it." I sat up. "This discussion is over. I refuse to hear that 'p' word and my father in the same sentence." I plugged my headphones in, determined to catch up on "The Mirror Has Two Faces." From what I could tell, Lauren Bacall and Barbra Streisand seemed to be having the same type of conversation we were.
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