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"I'M A GUY," I audio adult: books on tape would protest. "QUIT SHOUTING, Lynnmarg," came one reply - a reference to my use of capitals. "This is not my computer," I insisted. "I'm a guy. My real name is Dorion." "What kind of name is that audio adult: books on tape supposed to be?" typed someone, apparently enjoying my temporary emotional distress. This offhand comment sparked a Zen-like conversion. The experience of the mystic is to die - to let go of his ego - before he dies. He or she enjoys a death-in-life: audio adult: books on tape it allows him or her to identify with others, to become them and ultimately one with the universe. In my epiphany, I accepted my fate. I would be unable to prove the gender of my identity while online. Let them think I was not a guy. Dorion Sagan is a writer and magician. He is co-author of Mystery Dance: On the Evolution of Human Sexuality. Page 2 >> Wired Blogs Read Wired magazine columnist Bruce Sterling's blog, Beyond the Beyond.
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