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Graham: Mom, I can't talk to you right now, art institute of chicago OK? I'm having sex with a white woman. [hangs up, and Ria gets out of bed] Graham: OK, where were we? Ria: I was white, and you were about to jerk off in the shower. Graham: Oh, shit. Come on. I would have said you were Mexican, but I don't think it would have pissed her art institute of chicago off as much. Ria: Why do you keep everybody a certain distance, huh? What, you start to feel something and panic? Graham: art institute of chicago Come on, Maria. You're just pissed 'cause I answered the phone. Ria: That's just where I begin to get pissed. I mean, really, what kind of man speaks to his mother that way? Graham: Oh, this is about my mother. What do you know about my mother? Ria: If I was your father, I'd kick your fucking ass. Graham: OK, I was raised badly. Why don't you take your clothes off, get back into bed, and teach me a lesson?
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