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I don't know if it works. I went into labor before he could make it. From awareness Lilss . awareness . . When I was pregnant with my first, I was told to eat Mexican food, and that it would induce my labor. It worked, but unfortunately, my daughter was turned wrong, so I didn't deliver until two weeks later, but I will try it again on my next one. From awareness Mary . . . A few years ago, I sent away for a salad with a salad dressing that was supposed to start labor if you were close to being ready. The important ingredient in it was balsalmic vinegar. I guess it didn't taste so good, but my sister started labor within 24 hours!!! So I guess it worked??? I'm not sure of the name of the restaurant I ordered it from; I ordered it by phone and had it express shipped to her! I imagine anyone could make a oil and vinegar dressing, with the balsalmic vinegar. From Lisa . .
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