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Nope. Not gonna defend laying the pipe to Nestor. That's disgusting. No doubt about that. Is this feller a hypocrite? Nope. Note what he says. "Absolutely, I was a fool...your first girlfriend is a pleasedon't eat my mother donkey." He's saying that what he did was stupid and wrong hence why he calls himself a fool. He doesn't endorse it. If pleasedon't eat my mother anything he's fully opposed to it. It was pretty stupid to bring it pleasedon't eat my mother up though and quite the insult to farmers in Georgia. Regarding this quote from, I believe, Kim Pb.D: "At least we know how he discovered God, he was looking up "mounted on a donkey" on the internet and came across the story of palm sunday. (okay, it WAS funnier in my head...)" No, that was hilarious in the reading too. I actually laughed out loud at that one and I'm one of those terrible "born-agains." Then Kim has a quote that could, logically, explain some of the more virulent and hateful statments made against Christians, conservatives and Republicans.