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My parents had me when they could afford me and my demands, which allowed me to grow socially, physically, and spiritually. I wouldn't want to live other life: if it is not the life I live right now, I prefer to be terminated... Conservatives are full of shit... just be more wit and remember their conversations and what they said WORD chicago street fairs FOR WORD... use it against them - they get mad... really easily. Most of them are narrowed and bibled people. You won't change their opinions or views but chicago street fairs you can grow by arguing with them yourself. D Posted by: D at July 25, 2005 12:38 PM "Killing is bad but screwing up 3 lives instead of just one?" "I wouldn't want to live other life: if it is not the life I live right now, I prefer to be terminated..." These could be the dumbest statements ever made for or against abortion.
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