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Later that night, mother and son head off to the theater together (A poly Streetcar Named Desire is playing) and he elicits from her a promise to tell him all about his father when they get home. poly First, however, Estaban wants to get an autograph from his favorite star of the play, a mature female actress named Huma Rojo (Marisa Paredes). They wait outside the stage door, in the rain, until she emerges, but the actress car pulls away while he is knocking on the window. poly Estaban chases after the car impulsively and as he races out onto an adjoining street, he is struck dead by an on-coming vehicle. Manuela is distraught beyond words. Outside the emergency operating room, the doctors deliver the bad news and ask her to consider donating his organs to the organ bank. Manuela agrees (after all, she is a trained organ donor counselor herself and understands the importance).