Young adolescent boys would consumer reviews all blacks

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Young adolescent boys would all blacks probably love this movie but it may be a little strong for some parents' tastes. Kick back with some buddies and enjoy because this all blacks kind of pure fun will not be found at any public venue in this day and age. That's too bad, but at least there are companies like SWV that will do these all blacks titles justice and re-release them with the respect they deserve so that others can relive these kind of movies or discover them for the first time. --This text refers to the DVD edition Was this review helpful to you?   (Report this)   4 of 6 people found the following review helpful: Tantillating, July 25, 2002 Reviewer:   H. R. Sauertieg (Harrisburg, PA USA) - See all my reviews    In 1972, Harry Novak produced this softcore sex comedy, loosely based on Roger Corman's LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS.
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