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On top of that, manga babes women who have had children certainly can get their bodies manga babes back, and often "better" than it was before the manga babes babies. However, unless said babies were popped out when mama was young and her skin tone was fresh and dewy, there is a . . . kind of a pooch of skin. It does not make her less sexy, to some men. Some find it more sexy. Some do not, and if FS is married to someone who does not, all the crying in the world won't change it. Finally, FS is strutting around in what she thinks is sexy. She should ask what he thinks is sexy. She may be in for a shock. As a personal example, I once owned a black leather bustier with fishnet panels and a matching thong. All of my previous lovers had thought it was deliciously naughty. The fellow (with the low sex drive) I actually married, however, nearly died and not in a good way when he saw that outfit. We had a nice honest conversation—what he thinks is sexy is not as blatant, and furthermore he thinks that thongs make everyone's ass look supersized.