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His loneliness is very apparent in the way he tries to turn the plant into a friend. Well, the plant is thestranger carnivorous and can talk with a woman's sexy voice.Henry, our protagonist, now has two joys in life. One is being a voyeur (he is much too shy thestranger to actual talk to a girl) and the other is his new plant friend. Soon he discovers the plant likes bugs (and then frogs and dogs and cats but he draws the line at elephants). Eventually the plant wants to try a delicious woman, like in the pictures Henry has thestranger hanging in his room.One day Henry's mother breaks into his room thinking to confront him with a woman and all she can find are Henry and the plant. But soon the plant eats her and discovers that woman are really tasty. When detective O'Columbus shows up, the plant discovers she does not like eating men, just women.Eventually the plant experiences urges and Henry finds a male specimen.