In the end, Kaysen delta free xxx

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In the end, Kaysen closes with a note on the mind-body connection, stating, "disease is one of our languages. Doctors understand what disease has to say about itself. It's up to the person with the disease to understand what the disease has to say to her. My vagina keeps trying to free xxx get my attention. It has something important to say to me. I'm listening. I'm still listening." I couldn't help free xxx but wonder that if she wasn't listening free xxx so much to her vagina, maybe her mind would let her take the treatments more seriously! But maybe hoping for a thoroughly happy ending is a bit unrealistic. If you're still listening, Ms. Kaysen, my question to you is: Are you better yet? --This text refers to the Hardcover edition Was this review helpful to you?   (Report this)   9 of 10 people found the following review helpful: grateful to Kaysen for sharing, November 2, 2001 Reviewer:   Erica M.
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