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While nursing I get all the credit for launching santorum the substance, it was a reader who suggested a contest and another who suggested the nursing winning definition. My readers made Rick Santorum what he is today—an international laughingstock. So I put it to those readers: Should Savage Love get behind a campaign to popularize ITMFA? Would you wear buttons? T-shirts? Lapel pins? Would you help push the website to number one on Google? Would you put ITMFA bumper stickers on your cars? Q. I was flattered to hear that you nursing and your readers had picked up our reference to santorum in The Economist , but I just wanted to disagree with—or hope to disagree with—your reader who ventured that he was unusual in reading both Savage Love and The Economist . I hope very much he is not. Although nonreaders often think of us as a conservative magazine, we've actually always been very liberal on immigration, gay rights, and many others, including legalizing drugs. The Economist was among the first mainstream publications, on either side of the Atlantic, to advocate the legal recognition of gay partnerships, when I ran a cover on the subject in 1996 and then another in 2004.