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We just couldn't be married yet, being barely seven years old. Over time, Anna became my imaginary, platonic soul mate. (The two of us never vintage talked after first grade--I was too intimidated by Anna's perfection, and just waiting for the right moment, probably when we were both grown up, to raise vintage the question of marriage again). Starting in fourth grade vintage and continuing through high school, my friends pursued other potential mates, but I was loyal to Anna--to that feeling I got when I thought about her. Funnily enough, that feeling was not unlike the feeling I had as a young child when everything was right with the world. It was an elevated state of aliveness. It made me feel good. It was all I ever wanted in a relationship. It connected me with everything. --------------------------- The tale of my romantic adventures over the succeeding years might bore the average reader to tears, so sparse would be the juicy bits (no, I never did hook up with Anna).