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2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. See all Editorial Reviews Product Details Paperback: 160 free xxx pages free xxx Publisher: Vintage; Reprint edition (October 8, 2002) Language: English ISBN: 0679763430 Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.2 x 0.5 inches Shipping Weight: 6.1 ounces. (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: based on 19 reviews. (Write a review.) Amazon.com Sales Rank: #98,716 in Books (See Top Sellers in Books) Yesterday: #65,771 in Books (Publishers and authors: improve your sales) In-Print Editions: Hardcover (1st) |  Audio CD (Unabridged) |  Audio Cassette (Unabridged) |  e-book (Download: Adobe Reader) |  e-book (Download: free xxx Microsoft Reader) |  Audio Download  | All Editions   Inside This Book Citations: This book cites 2 books | 3 books that cite this book SIPs: novocaine cream, alternative nurse, estrogen cream CAPs: Doctor Matthew, Doctor Tony, Clinical Journal of Pain, Charles Street Browse Sample Pages: Front Cover | Copyright | Excerpt | Back Cover | Surprise Me!
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