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Well, then, right on, long live the lunatics, cuz I sure don't want to be sane! Posted by: atlas at May 24, 2005 12:59 PM sure, we all think, sex with a mule, eeeww, gross, and i'm not saying i would do it or condone it, but wasn't it once disgusting california and immoral when men were having sex with other men (or women with women), what's really wrong with it in the long run? Posted by: zoey at May 24, 2005 03:58 PM "sure, we all think, sex with a mule, eeeww, california gross, and california i'm not saying i would do it or condone it, but wasn't it once disgusting and immoral when men were having sex with other men (or women with women), what's really wrong with it in the long run?" ____ When two consenting adults engage in sex, that is one thing.