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(Report this) 4 of 5 people found the following review helpful: "You're A Homo animal sex xxx Sapien And I'm A Fibro-Vascular Bundle.", October 5, 2004 Reviewer:Robert I. Hedges (Burnsville, MN USA) - See all my reviews       I normally like Something Weird DVDs, but I will make an exception for "Please Don't animal sex xxx Eat My Mother" (also known as "Glump", "The Hungry Pets", "Glump and animal sex xxx the Hungry Pets", and "Gulp") which is more amusing in concept as a spoof of "Little Shop of Horrors" than in actual execution. Buck Kartalian plays a voyeuristic horticulturist who still lives with his extremely annoying Mother. Although I had heard of this film for years, and understood that it was a risque comedy spoof of "Little Shop of Horrors", I personally feels it crosses the line into "adult entertainment", which I really didn't like. In the bonus commentary track, Producer Harry Novak says that the film was released as a general adults-only release. Whatever.
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