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What, you think that just because I'm your mother I'm not a woman?" she said, visibly upset. He smiled and turned to my wife and me watching with awe. "My mother's a ho."My own son can only mutter, "Muh muh muh," but memoir "mother" and more is around the corner. If and when he asks me, one day home from first grade, "What is a motherfucker?" I hope I'll be able to say, "Son, I am one. I am a motherfucker. But just don't say memoir it, it's memoir a very bad word." (2005-02-08) Also by Fred Sasaki Fiction Review There is something embarrassing about carrying around this collection, like toting a cartoon lunchbox, but it's just irresistible. With a flash the book announces the latest editorial travail of Michael Chabon billed as an "Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories," no less (2005-01-04) Nonfiction Review This book makes a good stocking stuffer so long as the sock is filled with a nice vintage wine, cigarettes and sordid party favors (2004-12-14) Okay life Something like self-help for the semi-fortunate, all of the shorts in Erin McGraw's "The Good Life" could have been born from episodes of Oprah (2004-07-20) Newcity Communications, Inc.
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