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How long should I wait for me to start trying to conceive??and not run the risk of having another miscarraige. And how much time would I have to prolong a female hysterectomy?? christina Posted by christinalondono on Wed, Mar 01, 2006, 12:45 pm PST female 4 My husband and and have not had sex. He hasnt tried and I would like to but I dont feel female comfortable approaching him. What should I do. Because I am feeling heavy and not so attractive. Posted by nettlegirl01 on Wed, Mar 01, 2006, 1:47 pm PST 5 Me and my husband hardly have sex. Actually the problem is we both are working and at the end of the day we both are tired and sleepy. He wants to have sex but I'm tired the most. Sometimes I try to fulfull him but I always fail becoz I dont get the full feelings which I used to have before when I was not pregnant. sometimes when he is in the middle of having sex, he stops becoz he frightens that he might do someting to the baby or hurt me.
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