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Love her, that is, even if he did forget her birthday later. Once, he did remember, and he hurt her feelings by buying her one pair of flimsy ladies underwear from the Dollar Store uptown and she wailed that nobody loved her, then threw the underwear in the garbage can beneath our pecan tree. But you can tell he loved her by looking at this photograph, the glory way glory his arm circles her, the way he holds her hand. She lets herself be contained, lets him whisper in her ear. This time the camera glory is peeping; Mama seems almost embarrassed at being watched; her eyes glance toward the ground. Then there was a photograph taken after Mama had children. May 1962. That's three years after my sister was born. Four children in five years and all of a sudden she's wearing shoes, like she's afraid we're going to tramp on her feet. No more smiling, barefoot Miss America.