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I've always been amazed at Anglos who think they have the right to demand faithfulness from a partner when they withhold sex. To me this seems to be a cultural, rather than a moral, issue. —Pennsylvania Girl I'm sure you are probably over this topic by aria giovanni now, but that letter from aria giovanni Sad Cow was the saddest thing I ever read, and I just want to say to her, Get Out Get Out Get Out!!! Her experience sounds like a carbon copy of my aria giovanni very-brief marriage—brief due to the continued emotional abuse. Sorry, boy and girl withholders, it is abusive to continually reject a person and demand monogamy. It's the combo that's the killer. And, yes, the effects can be as far-reaching as any other type of abuse, as Sad Cow tells us. My husband and I loved each other, blah blah blah, and I was personally spiraling down to a pathetic shadow of who I had been when I met him. I gained 30 pounds (which I lost in about three months after I left). My career dead-ended, and I found myself at the ripe old age of 28 looking like I was 40, and acting like I had given up on life.