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Seldom are specifics mentioned. Well, for me that "abuse" isn't nonspecific. It's as plain as this: Some of my first sexual contact in life was at the hands of a priest who courted me for several years, purposely isolated me from my family psychology home and family by half a continent, got me blind drunk, and groped my genitals against my will hoping to have relations with me. Is that specific enough? But family psychology the repercussions of that abuse are far more involved than that. Father Ruffalo carried out a great deal of his manipulation and courtship of me at St. Raymond's. family psychology St. Ray's is not a mere footnote in my life. It's the parish where my grandmother attended school beginning in 1917. It's the parish where my mother, my sisters, I, and a half-dozen of my best friends in the world went to school.
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