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encumbrances that our bodies endure, including detrimental ones like viruses, alternative papers have an unwelcome and deeply altering effect on our already flimsy corporal authority. Here's what's going on with you, in case you didn't know: when you breastfeed, you produce prolactin, alternative papers a hormone that suppresses estrogen and keeps the milk flowing. With way less estrogen coursing through your body, you're way less horny (you may have also noticed a lack of vaginal lubrication). Just nature's way of making sure that alternative papers ovulation is suppressed so that one baby gets enough to eat before the other one comes along. Will it happen again? Quite likely yes, and Sarah at Come as You Are assures me that this is a question they deal with every day. Sadly, I'm not surprised your doctor didn't offer you any information about this possibility. We're all a little silly around moms and sex. All of a sudden we all have to pretend that it wasn't fucking that turned you into one in the first place.You'll
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