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We did love each other. We did have a good time. tug It was special and intimate on tug an emotional level, but no more or less so than anything else we did together. For a couple of days, I had the high one gets tug when you've gone through a given rite-of-passage. Yet truthfully, when my friends were beaming and buzzing, to the ones really reaching for it to live up to their expectations, I made it sound a lot more exciting than it actually was, for fear I'd be a buzzkill. It's something which seems to be a long-standing tradition amongst first-timers -- exaggerating either/both the pain and the pleasure to try and live up to what the experience is supposed to be, give it the gravity we're sure it requires, because if it doesn't have that gravity as-is, we're convinced that's because we did something wrong, not that it may be merely overrated or made into something larger than it is. James and I weren't that disappointed -- I don't think either of us really had any major expectations, and we knew the propaganda about intercourse was likely at least a little melodramatic.