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Now the numbness below my neck was real -- a maze of family & relationships unfeeling scar tissue. Judy in high school I wandered through that labyrinth for another ten years, with a gender identity and desires born of those medical procedures. I began to experience myself as a sort of sexual Frankenstein's monster. Not that I was having much sex. I was incredibly inhibited about my body, the scars, the mysterious medical condition and history that I -- the patient! -- knew next to nothing about. Sexual experiences were few and far between. At 21 I found family & relationships myself, a college family & relationships dropout and a runaway, in bed with an older woman, my second sexual partner and the first naked woman I had ever seen or touched. The differences between our bodies were staggering. Too numb and shaken to even be embarrassed or shy, I showed her what worked, how much pressure to use, what to touch, what not to touch.